Slawomir (Swavek) Gromadzki, “The Everlasting Gospel vs Lukewarm Legalism of Revelation 3” Revelation 3:14-16. The sermon includes experiences from my own life; Truth about sin; Meaning of “hot”, “cold” and “lukewarm” of Rev 3; Holiness and Perfection in Christ; Importance of accepting the Gospel of freedom and being born from the Spirit; Significance of the Romans 5:18; SDA Bible Commentary on 2Cor 5:14;

Slawomir (Swavek) Gromadzki, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them” Mat. 10:27. The sermon includes my conversion story; Meaning of “my sheep hear my voice, and I know them”; Overcoming the “law of sin” in us through the “law of the Spirit of life” (Rom. 8:2); Effective prayer; Importance of accepting the Gospel of freedom and being born from the Spirit; Significance of the book of Romans (8:2; 5:10; 7:4; 8:9); SDA Bible Commentary on 2Cor. 5:14; Beautiful Persian Story; Our union with Christ; Ephesians 3.

Slawomir (Swavek) Gromadzki, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them” Mat. 10:27. The sermon includes my conversion story; Meaning of “my sheep hear my voice and I know them”; Overcoming the “law of sin” in us through the “law of the Spirit of life” (Rom. 8:2); Effective prayer; Importance of accepting the Gospel of freedom and being born from the Spirit; Significance of the book of Romans (8:2; 5:10; 7:4; 8:9); SDA Bible Commentary on 2Cor. 5:14; Beautiful Persian Story; Our union with Christ; Ephesians 3.

Pavel Goia, God Can Amaze You. Prepare to be inspired by the incredible wonders of God in this awe-inspiring sermon by Pastor Pavel Goia. Discover how God’s miraculous works and profound love can leave us amazed and transformed. Through powerful stories and biblical insights, learn to open your heart to the unexpected ways God can move in your life. Don’t miss this chance to witness the amazing power of God and deepen your faith.

Slawomir (Swavek) Gromadzki, Theologians on Corporate Salvation in Christ & Universal Legal Justification (link to the article)

Dr Sang Lee, Sabbath-Keeping Bees & Sabbath Instinct (link to the article)


E.H. Jack Sequeira (my favourite gospel preacher), Walking in Spirit (Romans 8) E.H. Jack Sequeira Audio Messages (Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Hebrews)

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, First & Last Adam (Romans 5:18-19). Excellent sermon on Romans 5:18-19


James Rafferty, The Second Adam



James Rafferty, The New Covenant



James Rafferty, The Righteousness of God



James Rafferty, One Subject Will Prevail



James Rafferty, Faith That Works


Jean-Claude Verrecchia, Babylon Delenda Est


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